Exclusive Distribution Agreement of Cafe'Bank in Vietnam
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Zonica Vietnam Joint Stock Company announced that they have successfully signed a cooperation agreement with the Global Eyes Group from Taiwan, aiming to exclusively distribute and officially launch CafeBank product in Vietnam.
This is a coffee product entirely extracted from herbs, researched by Taiwanese experts over 15 years, imported and exclusively distributed in Vietnam.
This project was undertaken by Mr. Hu Hua Cheng, Chairman of the Global Eyes Group from Taiwan, along with his colleagues. They researched, produced, and brought to market a natural herbal coffee product named "Cafe’Bank". Besides being a refreshing beverage, Cafe’Bank also has effects on awakening sexual health, kickstarting the immune system, balancing hormonal secretion, improving blood circulation, and slowing down the aging process.

Ms. Le Dieu Thuy, General Director of Zonica Vietnam Joint Stock Company, mentioned that CafeBank has unique features along with values that protect human health, providing Vietnamese people a right choice in taking care of and protecting the health of themselves and their families.
According to Ms. Thuy, with excellent benefits for health and male vitality, CafeBank has been recognized by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and many other research and testing agencies for its quality, such as SGS (the largest testing center in the world), Super Lap (the most reputable laboratory in Taiwan), Sucofindo (Indonesia food quality registration center), and GQT (Guangzhou Quality Testing Institute, China). It has been granted two quality certifications: HACCP ISO 22,000 and Halal Certificate CP53401020317.

After many years of diligent research, experts have come up with the idea of combining coffee with a trio of precious herbs: Macca, Guarana, and Tongkat Ali to overcome the limitations of coffee and maximize the benefits of these substances for human health and vitality.
According to Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Thuong Dong, former Director of the Central Institute of Medicinal Materials, Ministry of Health, the combination of Maca, Guarana, and Tongkat Ali with coffee is a coordination of three nutritious herbs; among them, two herbs (Maca and Tongkat Ali) have strong and specific effects on sexual ability, while Guarana is a longevity herb. This combination provides users with a natural, gentle therapy without the feeling of having to use stimulants, making users feel more comfortable.
Zonica Vietnam Joint Stock Company has officially received the transfer and exclusive distribution of the Cafe’Bank product in Vietnam.
According to Mr. Lin Cheng Sen, the Executive Director in charge of the Southeast Asia region, Global Eyes Group from Taiwan, this is the first unit in Southeast Asia to be granted exclusive distribution of this product. It is hoped that Cafe’Bank will contribute to improving the quality of life and happiness of Vietnamese families.
- https://bnews.vn/ky-ket-phan-phoi-doc-quyen-cafebank-tai-viet-nam/107697.html
- https://baovephapluat.vn/the-thao-giai-tri/am-thuc/ra-mat-san-pham-cafebank-va-nha-phan-phoi-doc-quyen-tai-viet-nam-62785.html
- https://vovworld.vn/vi-VN/xa-hoi-doi-song/cafebank-chinh-thuc-ra-mat-thi-truong-viet-nam-709027.vov